Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

The SFCWA Strategic Plan has an implementing strategy that guides the Science Program to,

“Coordinate research and publish findings on Delta ecosystem stressors towards developing management actions that further California’s Co-Equal Goals of a restored Delta ecosystem and water supply reliability.”

Fact Sheets are being developed for all of SFCWA funded science projects. These fact sheets translate technical findings for managers, in order to help guide management decisions.  Each fact sheet will highlight the significant findings, conclusions, deliverable, and next steps of our past and current projects. These fact sheets are apart of our ongoing communication effort and lay a road map of where SFCWA Science priorities have been in the past, and where it should focus in the future.

The following projects have Fact Sheets available for download:


Project Primary Investigator Contract Number
Dynamics of Zooplankton in the Cache Slough Complex San Francisco State University and USGS 15-11
Integrated Chemical and Genomic Assessment of Contaminant Effects on Invertebrate Fish Prey in Cache Slough University of California, Berkeley and Davis 15-15
Factors Affecting the Abundance, Community Composition, Distribution, Availability and Timing of Food for Native Species in Liberty Island University of Washington 15-18
Extending the Arc: Understanding the Importance of Freshwater Tidal Habitat and Changing Environmental Conditions to native Fish Populations of the Delta University of California, Davis 15-19
Methylmercury Issues and Regulations McCord Environmental Inc. 13-09
Water Quality, Contaminant, and Nutrient Assessments in California Water-Ways Richard Connon- University of California, Davis 13-33
Delta Regional Monitoring Program Prioritization McCord Environmental Inc. 14-13
Occurrence of Current-use Pesticides in Suisun Bay and Potential Effects on Phytoplankton USGS 14-16
Effect of Insecticides and Herbicides of Concern to the Cache Slough Complex Upon Primary and Secondary Producers University of California, Davis 15-14
Delta Smelt Loss of Predators Using Genetics Cramer Fish Sciences SA-10
Abundance Indices of Juvenile Chinook Salmon  QEDA Consulting 14-26
Lower Yolo Ranch Existing Conditions Report Cardno-Entrix 14-28
Study of Delta Smelt Effective Population Size Genidaqs- Cramer Fish Sciences 15-06
Assessing Tagging-Related Mortality and Tag Retention in Adult Delta Smelt for Use in Field Studies ICF International 15-09
Tidal Marsh Rearing Habitats of Longfin Smelt Larvae in the Low Salinity Zone of the San Francisco Estuary USGS 15-10
Lower Yolo Ranch Restoration Project Monitoring Plan  Cardno-Entrix 13-20
Lower Yolo Expert Panel  Cardno-Entrix 13-20-1
Knaggs Ranch Experimental Agricultural Floodplain Study Cal Marsh and Farm Ventures LLC 13-33
Assessment of Baseline Conditions in Liberty Cut USGS 14-07
SmeltCam Investigation USBR 13-22
SmeltCam Studies for Delta Smelt Monitoring Improvements Sureworks, LLC 15-07
Phytoplankton Toxicity Testing in Suisun Bay AQUA Science and Michael Johnson LLC. 12-23
Effect of Ionized Ammonia on Phytoplankton Productivity AQUA Science 13-08
Advancing the Understanding of Nutrients in the Bay-Delta University of Maryland- Center for Environmental Science 13-32
Effects of Nutrients and Light on Phytoplankton of Suisun Bay Applied Marine Sciences 13-34
Phytoplankton Production and Nutrient Transformations in Shallow Water Wetland Habitats USGS, San Francisco State University-Romberg Tiburon Center, CSU Maritime Academy 14-21, 14-22, 14-23
Nutrients in Estuaries and Coasts: Perspectives Beyond Euthrophication Conference University of Maryland- Center for Environmental Science 14-29
How Does the Low Salinity Zone Perform in a Severe Drought Year? San Francisco State University-Romberg Tiburon Center 15-03
The Delta Regional Monitoring Program, Connecting Water Quality Management and Science in the Delta Aquatic Science Center 16-06
California Estuary Monitoring Group Web-Based Tools 34 North 11-19
California Estuaries Ecosystem Health Portal 34 North 12-03
Water Quality Conditions Interactive Report 34 North 12-03
